Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Clinton's Big Prison Break

Clinton's Big Prison Break

This is just too good. Bill Clinton went into the women's prison in North Korea to "interview" the two imprisoned "reporters" for Al Gore's Current news service. Excuse me, but isn't this just special? The wife, now Secretary of State, stays away while Bill "meets" with the two lovelies. The picture will come easily to anybody's mind - women in prison movie scene, unrepentant sinner, a wink to the guard so that Billy can get a lewinsky (or better) from the girls he's come to save... Some guys get all the breaks.

This has gotta be a Saturday Night Live skit. Can't you picture it? First scene on SNL. Bill Clinton on the phone, begging the person on the other side, "Please, please Al, let ME go! Who could do this better than I could? I'll bring 'em home with me, er, to you. I'll deal with Hilary, I swear!"

I had thought the story was a joke, but then I saw the link from CNN, and THEY are not playing this one for laughs. So I guess truth IS stranger than fiction... cuz I can't just make up material this good.