Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Loneliest Man

The Loneliest Man

As Tony Blankley points out on Townhall, President Bush now has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Like Abe Lincoln before him, he has major decisions to make, with the lives (and deaths) of thousands, nay, millions, in the balance, and he has not the faith of many, even in his own administration. Yet he must make them, alone.

He has demonstrated the temerity to act without the support of popular opinion, and the ability to do it right (at least sometimes), but none of this makes it any easier. We can only pray for him, since we can not help him.

If Iraq falls into the abyss, he gets the entire blame. The sufferring, however, gets spread over the lives of many others. But at least it is him, and not a lesser man, like his last few predecessors, who has this cross to bear. I have faith in him. Not a lot of faith, but faith, nonetheless. With no clear or right way out before him, he must make the least wrong choices. I wish him luck.