Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Essence of the Ground Zero Debate

The Essence of the Ground Zero Debate

Misguided individuals have sided with a group that desires to erect a monument to the destruction of the great symbol of Western Freedom, the World Trade Center. I say that they are misguided because they show their fundamental misunderstanding of what the enemy is all about. To review:

In Islam, the world is divided into two parts, Dar al Islam, or World of Submission, where everybody is either Muslim or pays the Jizya and accepts second class status, and the Dar al Harb, or World of War, with which the entire Islamic establishment is dedicated to take over by any means necessary. In a war, you have to pick sides. To stand above the fray puts you in the camp of the enemy.

Give us you tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The operative word is FREE. If you want to take over, and convert everybody at the point of the sword, stay home. If home sucks, rot there, do not come here to spread your idea of religion and government as one governing unit. Now THAT is un-American.