Saturday, July 28, 2012

Obama and Biden, in Their Own Words

Obama and Biden, in Their Own Words

Conan O'Brien takes tape of the two men and fashions campaign slogans from them. Very funny, and true!

Obamacare, Here it Comes!

Obamacare, Here it Comes!

What are the costs nfor women? Sonja Eddings Brown has the facts, at least the ones we know about already, in this video.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Three Great Scams of Our Time

The Three Great Scams of Our Time

The Three Great Scams of Our Time

This article is a detailed look, written by David Solway, which explores how the public has been misled by the government and the media, all with the purpose of subverting the will of We the People to pursue life, liberty, all with the aim of creating a world where the state is paramount. No surprise, I really enjoyed the section about the global warming scam, but the takedown of Obama is priceless. The meat of the argument is:
The latest revelation about Obama’s lack of candor—to put it mildly—has reconfirmed the intuition that he was a scoundrel from the get-go. “[T]he thirty eight documented falsehoods in the president’s memoir Dreams from My Father…revealed by David Maraniss’s new book Barack Obama: The Story,” writes Roger Simon, make it clear that “the president is a liar.” Edward Klein’s just-published The Amateur, garnished with a trove of insider information, only reaffirms that this president is quite possibly the shallowest, least prepared, and most self-infatuated, mercurial, and duplicitous man ever to sit in the Oval Office, bar none. Nixon, Carter, and Clinton seem like choirboys in comparison.

And yet, the man who has broken nearly every campaign promise; who has turned the White House into a banquet hall; who has led his nation to the brink of insolvency; who thrives on class warfare; who has placed a major portion of his resumé under seal; whose publicity bio for his first (and unpublished) book gave his birthplace as Kenya and was not revised until shortly after he declared his bid for the presidency sixteen years later; who often appears to prefer golfing to governing and debases the gravity of his office with tasteless and frivolous performances on late-night comedy television; who flouts Congress with impunity; who passes major legislation in the dead of night; who plainly has no love for the American Constitution; who ties up industry and commerce with senseless regulations; who is not averse to ceding national authority to the United Nations; who labors to import the collapsing European social model of economic syndicalism, public sector expansion, and dirigiste supervision into American life; who promotes the fortunes of the Muslim Brotherhood, thus imperiling American security and national interests; who relies on the possibly illegitimate exercise of executive privilege to suppress critical intelligence, as in the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal, while at the same time apparently leaking sensitive data to the press in order to augment his image; who prosecutes whistleblowers under the 1917 Espionage Act; who instructs his Department of Justice to sue states intent on cleaning up the electoral rolls peppered with dead, illegal, and multiple voters (who will obviously cast their ballots for the Democrats); and who has alienated America’s traditional allies and befriended its most feral enemies—this man continues to bask in significant acclaim and support. He may even be re-elected, despite the fact that Obama in his very person represents and embodies the greatest—and most transparent—scam the presidency has ever suffered.
Read the whole thing. You will not be disappointed.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Issue, Clarified

The Issue, Clarified

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More Union Corruption Caught on Tape

More Union Corruption Caught on Tape

James O'Keefe keeps doing his thing, finding corrupt officials, getting them down on video tape.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Detached Obama. Bored, even.

Detached Obama. Bored, even.

Obama: DC `feels as broken as it did 4 years ago'
A stunning interview on CBS, showing a shockingly uninvolved chief executive. So he brags that while he is forced to sit with his inferiors at the G8 summit he at least can doodle to while away the time... I am dumbfounded that this has not yet gotten wide distribution. Oh well, have a taste of it here:
"I'm a surprisingly good pool player, so if you ever see me in a pool hall, don't just think that you can ..."

"Don't walk up and throw down money is what you're saying?" interviewer Scott Thurman asked.

"That's what I'm saying," the president said. "I might end up cleaning your clock. That's a possibility."

The president also described himself as "a pretty good doodler" of faces, people and other things.

"Sometimes when I'm in a big important international meeting and you see me writings stuff down it might be that I'm just drawing some folks," he said.
Is it just me, or is saying "big important international meeting" make him sound like a child?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Law? What Law? HHS Gutting Welfare Reform

Law? What Law? HHS Gutting Welfare Reform

Republicans accuse HHS of gutting welfare reform with quiet policy change

To Obama and his Obamunists, like Kathleen Sibelius, HHS head, law is a mere inconvenience. After all the work Obama put into HIS signature achievement, Obamacare, now he is about to gut Bill Clinton's signature achievement, welfare reform. Dare I suggest that this is a payoff to energize the zeal of welfare recipients to vote?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

No Evidence - YouTube

No Evidence

Finally someone in the Romney campaign gets it. In this ad we hear Romney's spokesman calling Obama a liar, straight up. That's what needs to be said. If the electorate is really as dumb as the "experts" say, then we need some basic truths that even idiots can understand. It is the fact of Obama's dishonesty - not the economy - that will sink him, at least with the low information voters.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Most. Ridiculous. Lawsuit. Ever.

Most. Ridiculous. Lawsuit. Ever.

Accountant Claims Wrongful Termination Because Her Job Was Too Hard
If an employee can sue because her employer demands that she complete her work, then the entire basis of employee compensation fails. If senior accountants and lawyers can demand overtime pay, then salaries will end, and we will ALL have to punch a clock.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

BHO's Got to Go

Emmy Award-winning Creative Director Ryan Bomberger scores with this nice little video. H/T - Townhall

Union Political Spending 4 Times Higher Than Reported

Union Political Spending 4 Times Higher Than Reported

Political spending by unions far exceeds direct donations | Fox News
Surprise surprise! Unions have been spending 4 times as much money as they report to the Federal Elections Commission, according to a Wall Street Journal investigative report. The over one billion dollars reported over the last several years is really more than four billion.

Part 2 - Taxes and Trust

Part 2 - Taxes and Trust

EXCLUSIVE - CADDELL: Taxes and Trust - The Achilles Heels of Obamacare and Obama, Part II
Pat Caddell appends part two to the important piece I linked yesterday.

World Historic Site Vandalized by Animals

World Historic Site Vandalized by Animals

Mali Islamists destroy tombs at famous Timbuktu mosque | Reuters
Islamic shrines are being purposely destroyed in the former center of Islamic learning, Timbuktu. Only subhuman animals could do such things. Sorry, I can't see this any other way.

Monday, July 09, 2012

The Nagging Persistence of Tribalism

Humanity is a Tribal Species

The Nagging Persistence of Tribalism - Taki's Magazine
The most reasonable discussion and explanation for our American obsession with race and racism I have seen yet. I can't imagine how any intelligent person could disagree with this.

Then Jim Goad sums it up thus:
The sanest route would be to treat everyone fairly while conceding that life is unfair. Presume that anyone who ignores nature and thinks everything is 100% nurture is a natural-born idiot. And you should tolerate whomever you like, avoid whomever you dislike, but NEVER tolerate anyone who won’t tolerate you.

Taxes and Trust: The Achilles Heels of Obama

Taxes and Trust: The Achilles Heels of Obama

Taxes and Trust: The Achilles Heels of Obamacare and Obama
Pat Caddell has some advice for republicans in this election season. Emphasize taxes and trust as two areas where Obama has not only let us down, he has willfully lied to enact his agenda, as the SCOTUS decision on Obamacare makes clear. As Caddell writes:
These are the big stakes for the 2012 election: whether a deceptive president--and/or a deceptive presidential administration--should be rewarded with a second term.
The article is a bit long, but well worth it. Caddell is the democrat republicans should look to, since he learned the weaknesses of the statist left from the inside.

Majority believe Obama has changed country for worse

Majority believe Obama has changed country for worse

Hill Poll: Majority believe Obama has changed country for worse -

Two-thirds of likely voters say President Obama has kept his 2008 campaign promise to change America — but most say that he has changed it for the worse. A new poll commissioned for The Hill found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama’s first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better under his leadership.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Mankind has paid a high price for anti-Semitism

Mankind has paid a high price for anti-Semitism

The Atheist Conservative: » Here we go again

Many people today have no curiosity about the history of war, they just feel that we should stay out of them. Understanding war, how it begins and ends, is a very important area of study. There are few courses of study in this crucial body of knowledge available in academia today. Here is a serious post that explores the root causes of World War 2, and the role played by French antisemites in assuring Hitler's victory.

Another Obamanaut Craves Dictatorship

Another Obamanaut Craves Dictatorship

LaHood: Golly, I envy the Chinese government « Hot Air
Ray LaHood is a dummy in a cabinet full of less-than-impressive functionaries, but he is merely the latest democrat to speak of the fantastic freedom than Red China operates under. Freedom FROM the will of the people, that is. Even LaHood is not so foolish that he believes that the Chinese people are free. Right? Right?

Friday, July 06, 2012

One Trick Pony Obama in Denial Over Numbers

One Trick Pony Obama in Denial Over Numbers

White House warns 'not to read too much into' jobs reports | The Daily Caller

As his incompetence makes the recession worse, Obama is in deep denial about it - a denial he would like the electorate to follow. Telling Americans that we should not "read too much into the unemployment numbers" does not change anything. Highlighting Romney's unemployment number as Massachusetts governor, which he got down to 4.6% while Obama's own number is 8.2% relies on the ignorance and lack of regard for the facts of his voters.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Federals Fail To Sell Unused Properties

Federals Fail To Sell Unused Properties

In any private enterprise, management exerts energy to minimize cost and waste. That is a necessary requirement for continued survival. Federal property and expense management has no such requirement, and therefore costs continually rise. In fact, since ever-increasing budgets and appropriations are the most imprtant aim of any bureaucracy, this is not surprising. What IS surprising, however, is the fact that the Left supports expanding the size and the scope of government and has little regard for reforming such massive waste.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

She did the right thing - by accident

She Did the Right Thing - by Accident

Carney: 'I feel rotten' about accidental fracking vote ::
Genius democrat is so "green" that she pushed the green button. Now that the governor's veto has been overturned and frakking is legal in N.C. she is pissing and moaning because she did the right thing - by accident.

Fired Racist Lashes Out at New Media

Fired Racist Lashes Out at New Media

This is a hilarious video. Joe Williams, who was just fired from his position at Politico for his racist rants and tweets, is angry at those who caught him out and aired out some of his most egregious racist statements. He calls them "self-appointed watchdogs." I guess when journalists are appointed by the right it is somehow different than the self-appointed media of the left. With no apparent sense of irony, he made these comments on Al Gore's Current TV. Watch, and laugh. Video from, natch.

Islamist threat to Timbuktu's ancient scientific texts - science-in-society - 03 July 2012 - New Scientist

In Timbuktu it is 1591 All Over Again

Islamist threat to Timbuktu's ancient scientific texts - science-in-society - 03 July 2012 - New Scientist
Muslim raiders are doing the same thing they did in 1591 - destroying ancient art, texts, and shrines. Some of the materials in their crosshairs include medical and scientific books that, among other things, show the danger of tobacco. Once again we see the benighted and anti-intellectual yearnings of true believers in Islam come to life.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Daily Kos Formula on ObamaCare: 'Conservatives Want to Hurt People,' Liberals Want to Help |

Democrat Formula on ObamaCare

Daily Kos Formula on ObamaCare: 'Conservatives Want to Hurt People,' Liberals Want to Help |
While most normal people think this is a joke, the far left actually believes the fantasy that "Republicans and conservatives want to hurt people; Democrats and liberals want to help people."

The true aim of Obamacare revealed

Jacob Hacker, The Architect of ObamaCare and the Public Option in making his case, admits that this idea is a covert route to a Single Payer System. Don't you just love how they'll "let us keep" our current options? How blatantly totalitarian!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Jack Lew: The individual mandate isn't a tax - Brett Norman -

Jack Lew: The individual mandate isn't a tax

Jack Lew: The individual mandate isn't a tax - Brett Norman -
Jack Lew, like the rest of the White House crime syndicate, is a pathological liar. Lies about Obamacare, Fast & Furious, and taxes, will be a necessity if The Won is to have a chance at reelection. Or at least, so THEY apparently believe.

Roberts switched views to uphold health care law - CBS News

Roberts switched views to uphold health care law

Roberts switched views to uphold health care law - CBS News
This is some important reporting on the SCOTUS decision in the Obamacare case. If you want to understand how it happened, and get some serious insight in how the court operates, and some hints about how they will rule in the future, you must read this piece from CBS's Jan Crawford.

Ten Questions for Brandon Darby : The Other McCain

Ten Questions for Brandon Darby

Ten Questions for Brandon Darby : The Other McCain
The real democrat effort to reelect The Won is being fought in the shadows. Read this for a sample of what is going on in the democrat dirty tricks department.